The easy way to access brand images in PowerPoint and Word

Imagebank is Microsoft 365 add-in that makes it easy to access brand images and logos directly from within PowerPoint and Word.

Upload and organize

Easy to use admin dashboard

Upload your files, or connect to a cloud based storage provider like google drive & dropbox.

App screenshot
Upload and go.
Upload images from your computer, or a cloud storage provider like google drive or dropbox.
Create structure.
Organize your files in folders and subfolders.
Stay compliant.
When it's easy to use the correct & brand compliant photos, your users will.
Easy to deploy.
Deploy through Microsoft 365 Admin Center. Done in 3 minutes.
Automatic compression.
Images are automticaly compressed and resized when used in presentations and documents.
Cross platform.
imagebank is available in PowerPoint and Word on PC, Mac and on the Web.

Microsoft Office Add-in

A better workflow

Stop wasting time searching for images. With the Imagebank add-in they are always at your fingertips.

Product screenshot

Pricing plans

Get started for free!

No credit card required.


Get to know the software and its features before purchasing.


  • 10 users
  • Upload 25 images


Fits most small and medium-sized businesses.


  • 200 users
  • Upload 200 images
  • E-mail support


Need more storage or users? Contact us for a custom solution.


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